Book a Speaker
What to Expect

A trained speaker from PFLAG Atlanta will work with you to craft a presentation that meets your organizations needs. Some common topics include:
Allyship in the workplace
How to navigate pronouns
Difference between gender, sex, and sexual attraction
What it means to come out
Recent Collaborators

Additional Outreach
PFLAG Atlanta participates in the city's annual pride parade. Watch this video to see PFLAG Atlanta's own Richard Berman share with Peachtree TV about PFLAG's story and what it's like to attend a parent's support group during the build-up to a Pride event.
Atlanta women’s basketball team, Atlanta Dream, lead this panel to explore the intersection between LGBTQ rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, and rights of people experiencing homelessness. Speakers include Renee Montgomery of the WMBA, Wil Bryant of Atlanta Pride, Nasheedah Bynes-Muhammad of Lost-N-Found, and Ann Vitale of PFLAG Atlanta.
Traveling at the holidays is stressful for everyone. The challenges of navigating air travel for transgender individuals multiple that stress. Ann Vitale with PFLAG Atlanta discusses ways to address some of the issues a transgender traveler faces with tips to make the experience less difficult. See this interview with a reporter from WANF in Atlanta.

Giving Tuesday is a chance to support charities across the country. In this interview with Ron Roberts of “The Ron Show” highlights the work of PFLAG Atlanta and PFLAG chapters across Metro Atlanta.